Is There a Best Time of Day to Go Whale Watching?
The whale watching in Southern California is unlike anywhere else in the world. The Dana Point whale watching season brings about whale sightings of blue whales, humpback whales, gray whales and many more, as well as an extraordinary amount of dolphin sightings. As you and your loved ones make plans to join a whale watching…
Manute’a and How She Upgraded Glass Bottom Boat Tours
For over twenty years, Captain Dave and the Dolphin Safari family have been enabling locals and visitors to the Dana Point, California, area to cruise out and take part in unforgettable dolphin and whale watching tours. With a passion that was sparked in the early 1990’s between Captain Dave and his wife, Gisele, aboard a…
Top 5 Reasons to Go Whale Watching
When looking for the best whale watching in California, one of our most frequently asked questions includes where one can take part in a whale watching near Los Angeles excursion. Finding the best whale watching in Southern California is a quest many are undergoing and we are elated to share some stellar good news with…
How Balloons in the Ocean Kill Marine Life
All around the globe, family members, friends, and folks gather together to commemorate loved ones in unique and special ways. These honorary remembrances can include activities such as reunions, BBQ’s, dinner parties, and even hoe-downs, but one festivity has become a popular activity that is resulting in far more than smiles, laughs, and memories. This…
Swim With Dolphins – Is It a Good Idea?
When it comes to activities to take part in during your next weekend getaway, one may pull out their handy dandy bucket list and explore the bright-colored bullet points that have been building up since New Year’s. Whether you’re young, single, retired, or trekking about with a truck full of tykes and looking for programs…
Whale Watching Hawaii Vacation
Considering A Whale Watching Vacation To Hawaii? Keep in mind that Dana Point, in sunny Southern California, offers more dolphins and whales! Whale Watching Hawaii – What to Consider Hoping to get your aloha on while glamming up a fresh flower lei as you take a peek at a pod of dolphins? Maybe you’ve always…
Whale Gives Birth Next to Whale Watching Boat
Whale watchers had a breathtaking encounter on March 19, 2016 off the coast of Dana Point, California, when they witnessed a rarely seen False Killer Whale giving birth. Passengers aboard Captain Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Watching Safari’s catamaran watched in awe as members of a pod containing around 40 false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens),came up to port side of the boat and pushed against it. There was a sudden burst of blood and the newborn calf popped out! The unexpected birth occurred in about 80 feet water. Captain Tom Southern, who witnessed the remarkable event, said “the whole group huddled around the calf, and they spent the next 10 to 12 minutes taking turns pushing the calf to the surface while the newborn learned how to swim”. False Killer Whales are rarely seen off of Southern California. They are normally found…
Dolphins Stampede Off Dana Point, Calif.
Our whale watchers experienced a once in a lifetime thrill when hundreds of common dolphins, without warning or provocation, began porpoising at high speed out of the water. Often referred to as a dolphin stampede, this breathtaking behavior can happen at any time and without any apparent cause. Porpoising is the fastest mode of travel for dolphins because there is less resistance in air than water. Southern California has the greatest density of dolphins per square mile than anywhere else on earth. This includes nearly 450,000 common dolphins, the species in this video. Dana Point is one of the best places in the world to see large mega-pods that can number in herds of up to 10,000. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel! Watch a Dolphin Stampede From a Drone Captain Dave…