Whale Entanglement Part 1: How Whales Become Entangled
All across the globe, an extraordinary amount of marine mammals are cruising about our vast and incredible oceans. Although these majestic and graceful creatures migrate, feed, and dwell amid some of nature’s most pristine locations, a catastrophic occurrence is taking place beneath the surface of the swells. This heartbreaking happening is the devastating reality of…
How Balloons in the Ocean Kill Marine Life
All around the globe, family members, friends, and folks gather together to commemorate loved ones in unique and special ways. These honorary remembrances can include activities such as reunions, BBQ’s, dinner parties, and even hoe-downs, but one festivity has become a popular activity that is resulting in far more than smiles, laughs, and memories. This…
Swim With Dolphins – Is It a Good Idea?
When it comes to activities to take part in during your next weekend getaway, one may pull out their handy dandy bucket list and explore the bright-colored bullet points that have been building up since New Year’s. Whether you’re young, single, retired, or trekking about with a truck full of tykes and looking for programs…
What It’s Like to Touch Gray Whales
When it comes to interacting with animals, one may recall the last time they pet a fluffy feline or ruffled the ears of a genial dog, but what if petting a mammal included not only a four-legged pal but a giant and friendly gray whale? In the San Ignacio Lagoon (Laguna San Ignacio), located in…
Does Whale Watching Harm Whales?
In 1950, a large group of curious land-living folk stood near the Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego, California, as they peered across the deep blue to catch sight of the barnacle speckled gray whales that were migrating through the area. A handful of years later in 1955, the first water-based whale watching expeditions took…
How to Whale Watch Like a Pro
So you’re itching to throw on your sailor hat and trek out into the deep blue for a dose of some magnificent whale watching? Whale, that’s the best idea we’ve heard all day! For an adventure so grand, one so wise would never want to be caught ill-prepared for such an outing. Here at Captain…