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Capt. Dave's Blog

How Do Whale Watchers Find Whales?

Hey there whale enthusiast! Before you get to the ‘seeing whale flukes’ part of whale watching, you must find them! While it isn’t always easy, when you know what signs to look for, you can raise your chances of seeing a cetacean in the wild no matter where you’re looking from. Cetaceans, which include whales,…

Seven Surprises About Sea Lions

Sea lions are among the most easily recognizable marine mammals, frequenting docks, buoys, and beaches worldwide. Their intelligence, athleticism, and endearing nature make them an easy fan favorite, and they offer endless fascination and fun. Known for their playful nature and loud barks, these fun, flippered friends have drawn the attention of young and old…

Five Fabulous Tips for Photographing Whales and Dolphins

Marine life photography is a great motivation to get out in the water and capture some beautiful wildlife in their ocean home! At Captain Dave’s Whale Watching in Dana Point, we are lucky to admire a wide array of marine life from soaring seabirds to migrating whales to mega-pods of dolphins that call Dana Point…

9 Things That Are Amazing About Fin Whales

Fin whales are one of the many massive, majestic creatures that we see along the picturesque California coastline aboard Capt. Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Watching Safari. While they are found in many oceans all over the world, including the North Atlantic, North Pacific, Southern Ocean, and some parts of the Indian Ocean, these whales are…

Where Can You See Gray Whales in California?

Each year something magical happens along the California coastline, and from roughly December through May, gray whales journey on an annual trek from chilly Arctic waters to the warm lagoons of Baja California, Mexico. This gives whale watchers and beachgoers alike an extraordinary opportunity to see the whales as they pass and you’re almost guaranteed…

Are There Orcas in California?

While most people with whale watching aspirations might expect to see orcas while whale watching in the Pacific Northwest, it can be a surprise to learn that California orcas exist too! It can be dazzling to see whales and dolphins in the wild and some of the sea’s superstars are the killer whales so many…

Where Can You See Blue Whales?

Summer is one of the most exciting seasons for Dana Point’s Whale Watching community. Summer means school’s out, and where can you see blue whales is widely dependent on what part of the ocean the krill is served up on the summer menu and most abundant. Warm summer months in Orange County bring out the…

What Weather is Best for Whale Watching?

Why should you book a whale watching trip in Dana Point? Over 275 days of sunshine each year earns Orange County the title for the best weather for whale watching. No matter what day you choose to go, it is likely you will be surrounded by sunshine and moderate whale watching weather. In our humble opinion, the best time…

Creating Eco Heroes at Home

“Does a whale have a belly button?” “Do ants yawn?” “Where does all of the trash go when it leaves our house?” Are these curious questions similar to those your little ones ask you? Or maybe YOU are the one who is interested in discovering more about the world around you and how you can…

What Does an Experienced Whale Watcher Have in Their Go Bag?

Did you just book a whale watching trip? And, are you already feeling excited about what you may see on your trip but aren’t sure what to bring on whale watching day? Experienced whale watchers anxiously await sighting their favorite animals and know rare sightings can happen at a moment’s notice. These feelings are one…

10 Things That Are Amazing About Blue Whales

Blue whales are unique because they are the largest animals on earth, live long lives, and have remarkable features. As the largest animal on earth, the blue whale is arguably the most fascinating of the great rorqual or baleen whales. As you read below, you will explore 10 amazing blue whale facts that will challenge the depth…

Top Ten Surprising Things About Whale Watching in Dana Point

On your upcoming Dana Point whale watching excursion, surprised faces are what you’ll see when more than 66,000 massive tons of pure power lunge out of the water. Our passengers have an up-close and personal look at a whale as it gracefully soars through the air. Booking a trip on a Dana Point whale watching excursion with Capt….